woensdag 5 juni 2019

Hello world!

Hello, world!
That was always my introduction on my old blog so I decided to continue using this as a greeting. I used to have a blog here on blogspot and then moved to wordpress for a year but it didn't seem to really work for me, the program was a little confusing and didn't go with the ideas I had so now I am back.  It all sounds a bit corny I know but I really like writing and traveling and therefore want to try and interest as many people as I can. I will take some of my travel posts from my old blog and rewrite them to post them on this new blog, which I have named after my old blog. I also want to try some new things and I am always open to suggestions or requests. I will be traveling and studying in Ireland for a year starting in September so I will probably also use this blog to inform you about my new adventure and my Erasmus experience (as this is why I am going there).
Now that this is done I want to introduce myself, My name is Simone and I am 22 years old. I was born in a city called ‘S-Hertogenbosch in the south of the Netherlands but have lived in Málaga, Spain for the past 10 years. I am an English language student at the University of Malaga and apart from being a writer I am also an avid reader and Field hockey player. I love to travel and like to show other people the places I love, which is the main reason I started my blog in the first place. I also want to help people who may be moving across the world, continent or country in any way I can. So if you want some advice or just want some inspiration for your next trip, this is the place to be (or read I guess).
Bye for now,
have a nice day/night wherever you are
xx Simone
BTW: you can follow me on my social media if you want;
Instagram: simoneschaaf23                                                                                           
Twitter: simoneschaaf23                                                                                                            I am also on Pinterest under the same name as this blog 🙂

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